Can apple gallery detect the safari version and choose the correct app to install

Hi everyone,

I have a question for the apple store, for example we already have AppExtension as version 1.0.0 published on store, and we are going to migrate to WebExtension (following this doc) and publish as version 2.0.0.

Could you help to confirm the following cases?

  • If user is using Safari 14 and never installed 1.0.0, they will install WebExtension 2.0.0
  • if user is using Safari 14 and installed 1.0.0, after install 2.0.0, the AppExtension will update to WebExtension automatically
  • if user is using Safari 13 and never installed 1.0.0, can they still install AppExtension 1.0.0?
  • if user is using Safari 13 and installed 1.0.0, do they still get upgrade notification to upgrade to 2.0.0? And they can't upgrade successfully right?

Thank you very much

Can apple gallery detect the safari version and choose the correct app to install