Is This a bug of iOS 15 with SwiftUI?

// ContentView.swift
// Shared
// Created by Abenx on 2021/8/8.

import SwiftUI

/// Demo of NavigationLink causing page problems
/// Problem description: When the following structure is used, after entering level3. If the app loses focus, such as drawing out of the control center or multi-page manager, it will cause the page to refresh and render, and eventually jump to level 2.
/// iPhone 12 Pro Max / iOS 15 beta 4 has this problem
/// iPhone 12 Pro Max / iOS 14.6 has no such problem
/// Xcode Version: 12.5.1 (12E507) & 13.0 beta 4 (13A5201i)

struct ContentView: View {
  /// If you comment out this line of code, there will be no problem.
  @Environment(\.openURL) var openURL

  @State private var isOK: Bool = false
  var body: some View {
    NavigationView {
      NavigationLink("Goto Level 2", destination: Level2View().onAppear {
        /// If you comment out this line of code, there will be no problem.
        isOK = false

struct Level2View: View {
  var body: some View {
    /// If you don't use GeometryReader, there is no problem.
    GeometryReader {proxy in
      NavigationLink("Goto Level 3", destination: Text("I am in Level 3"))

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
  static var previews: some View {

any solution for this? got the same problem when using geometry-reader in scrollview

I'm having this exact same issue but can't quite narrow down what is actually causing it. Setting .navigationViewStyle(.stack) on the NavigationView in my code and the code above removes the issue but does prevent me from using a sidebar on iPad.

I also managed to get the issue to occur when showing an alert on the third screen.

Is This a bug of iOS 15 with SwiftUI?