Hello guys,
Me and my team are developing an application which uses some data from an API and we need to verify that we can recognize a single user ID of the iOS phone to establish a univocal trust relation to share keys that would help us encrypt the communications.
I tried some pieces on code that I found on internet, but I do not know if this is enough.
print("ID Vendor...\(String(describing: uiDevice.identifierForVendor))")
print("iCloud token...\(String(describing: FileManager.default.ubiquityIdentityToken?.description))")
And also I was trying to work with DeviceCheck framework and to get that token.
print("Generate token")
DCDevice.current.generateToken {
(data, error) in
guard let data = data else {
let token = data.base64EncodedString()
What I want to do is to verify the user identity something like the Apple ID or some personal data, not the device information. Is there a way of retrieving some personal data from the owner of the iPhone that I can use to check if he is who said that it is?
Thank you so much! Have a good day!