Hello! I have windows pc and an iphone, I want to develop apps and use xcode... Please help me on that and what should I do
Thank YOU !
Hello! I have windows pc and an iphone, I want to develop apps and use xcode... Please help me on that and what should I do
Thank YOU !
import json from datetime import datetime
class Task: def init(self, description, category, priority, due_date=None, completed=False): self.description = description self.category = category self.priority = priority self.due_date = due_date self.completed = completed
def __str__(self):
status = "✓" if self.completed else " "
due_date_str = f" - Vence el {self.due_date}" if self.due_date else ""
return f"[{status}] {self.description} ({self.category}, {self.priority}){due_date_str}"
class ToDoList: def init(self): self.tasks = []
def add_task(self, description, category, priority, due_date=None):
task = Task(description, category, priority, due_date)
print("Tarea agregada:", description)
def view_tasks(self):
if self.tasks:
print("Lista de tareas:")
for index, task in enumerate(self.tasks, start=1):
print(f"{index}. {task}")
print("No hay tareas en la lista.")
def toggle_task(self, index):
if 1 <= index <= len(self.tasks):
task = self.tasks[index - 1]
task.completed = not task.completed
print("Estado de tarea cambiado:", task.description)
print("Índice de tarea no válido.")
def remove_task(self, index):
if 1 <= index <= len(self.tasks):
removed_task = self.tasks.pop(index - 1)
print("Tarea eliminada:", removed_task.description)
print("Índice de tarea no válido.")
def save_tasks(self, filename):
task_data = [{
"description": task.description,
"category": task.category,
"priority": task.priority,
"due_date": task.due_date,
"completed": task.completed
} for task in self.tasks]
with open(filename, "w") as file:
json.dump(task_data, file)
def load_tasks(self, filename):
with open(filename, "r") as file:
task_data = json.load(file)
self.tasks = [Task(
) for task_info in task_data]
except FileNotFoundError:
def main(): todo_list = ToDoList() todo_list.load_tasks("tasks.json")
while True:
print("\n1. Agregar tarea")
print("2. Ver tareas")
print("3. Cambiar estado de tarea")
print("4. Eliminar tarea")
print("5. Guardar tareas")
print("6. Salir")
choice = input("Seleccione una opción: ")
if choice == "1":
task_description = input("Ingrese la descripción de la tarea: ")
task_category = input("Ingrese la categoría de la tarea: ")
task_priority = input("Ingrese la prioridad de la tarea (Alta/Media/Baja): ")
due_date_str = input("Ingrese la fecha de vencimiento (opcional - formato: AAAA-MM-DD): ")
due_date = datetime.strptime(due_date_str, "%Y-%m-%d") if due_date_str else None
todo_list.add_task(task_description, task_category, task_priority, due_date)
elif choice == "2":
elif choice == "3":
task_index = int(input("Ingrese el número de la tarea para cambiar su estado: "))
elif choice == "4":
task_index = int(input("Ingrese el número de la tarea para eliminar: "))
elif choice == "5":
print("Tareas guardadas.")
elif choice == "6":
print("¡Hasta luego!")
print("Opción no válida. Intente nuevamente.")
if name == "main": main()
I have The same question as you!!
Once I use a mac and develop the test code within my Eclipse, can I deploy the code on a Windows Server? Does the code would not need XCode during run time or just the Selenium-java client libraries and Appium alone?
Thanks a lot, -- Prasad Nutalapati
I have been programming on macOS since 1992. I read a lot of similar questions
just some ideas:
if you want to learn to ride an horse, You need and horse...
put simply APPLE does not want you use a "non-controlled" OS / hardware, they fear someone can hack their ecosystem
even if feasible, a decent Mac just to start, can cost 1K $, similar to a decent PC.
A 300 $ PC is simply unusable even if house Visual studio / eclipse or other ide.
I can barely accept this kind of question in 90's years when a Mac price was from 5 to 10 times a PC, not now.