I'm setting up an API call to Tenor.com, docs here https://tenor.com/gifapi/documentation#responseobjects-gif .
I'm setting up a struct for my returning JSON, and I'm stuck on the media part.
For "media" it says to use "[ { GIF_FORMAT : MEDIA_OBJECT } ]".
How do I declare gif format and media objects? Or is there another way to set this up?
Here's what I've got do far.
struct structForAllApiResults: Codable {
// MARK: - Gif Object
let created: Float // a unix timestamp representing when this post was created.
let hasaudio: Bool // true if this post contains audio (only video formats support audio, the gif image file format can not contain audio information).
let id: String //Tenor result identifier
let media: [ Dictionary<GIF,>] // An array of dictionaries with GIF_FORMAT as the key and MEDIA_OBJECT as the value
let tags: [String] // an array of tags for the post
let title: String // the title of the post.
let itemurl: String // the full URL to view the post on tenor.com.
let hascaption: Bool // true if this post contains captions
let url: String // a short URL to view the post on tenor.com.
// MARK: - Category Object
let searchterm: String
let path: String
let image: String
let name: String
// MARK: - Media Object
let preview: String
let url: String
let dims: [Int] // dimensions
// MARK: - Format Types
let gif: