Where is Xcode 12.6?

The current version of Xcode in the App Store is 12.5.1, which supports iOS 14.5. However, iOS 14.6 has been out since late May and we don't have a corresponding Xcode update. As a result, I'm unable to test on my devices that have been updated to iOS 14.6. Anyone else having this problem?

Answered by Scott J in 682662022

Actually that version of Xcode should support devices running 14.6 or 14.7 just fine. When you first plug in a device with an unknown OS, then Xcode downloads from it the debugger symbol files it needs, and then deploying and running should Just Work™.

If this isn't working, plug in and check the Devices and Simulators window for any error messages.

The symbol files get placed under ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS Support/. It’s safe to clean out that iOS Support directory, as the bundles for your current devices will grow back as needed when you plug them in.

Accepted Answer

Actually that version of Xcode should support devices running 14.6 or 14.7 just fine. When you first plug in a device with an unknown OS, then Xcode downloads from it the debugger symbol files it needs, and then deploying and running should Just Work™.

If this isn't working, plug in and check the Devices and Simulators window for any error messages.

The symbol files get placed under ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS Support/. It’s safe to clean out that iOS Support directory, as the bundles for your current devices will grow back as needed when you plug them in.

Where is Xcode 12.6?