Deployment Target Suddenly to Change to MacOS Development

Help. Suddenly my ios 14 for iphone changed to MacOS deployment target. I suspect it changed once it unable to connect to internet.

Please help. how to change back??? urgent


Suddenly my ios 14 for iphone changed to MacOS deployment target. I suspect it changed once it unable to connect to internet.

Please explain in detail. Is it in the Xcode project ? Where exactly do you see the change ?

If you open the project Targets, what do you see ?

Can't you uncheck the Mac checkbox ?

  • Mine fixed by quitting xcode and reopening it. Apparently apple is so bad at detecting when internet connection came back. Once xcode can't connect to sign then it can't get notification when internet connection is available again so it can't update targets/projects and leaves you wondering what the heck happened, with all building process broken unable to recover.

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