NfcReaderSession.invalidate(errorMessage: ) dose not work on iOS 15 beta 2 and beta 3.

On iOS 15 beta 2 and beta 3, NfcReaderSession.invalidate(errorMessage: ) dose not work, and NfcReaderSession.invalidate() is displayed. (The NfcReaderSession.invalidate() for error message dose not work.) It worked fine on iOS 15 beta.

This is a beta 2 and beta 3 issue and will it be resolved in the next version?

They solved it in iOS 15 beta 4! \o/

Thank you for your report. I also confirmed that this problem was resolved in iOS 15 beta 4.

NfcReaderSession.invalidate(errorMessage: ) dose not work on iOS 15 beta 2 and beta 3.