Kernel panic (OS 11.4, Macbook pro 2014, GT 750m)


I am using Big Sur on my macbook pro with Nvidia GT 750m. When i put my mac to sleep and occasionally at other times it restarts with the message: "Your mac restarted because of a problem".

I have attached the included crash reporter:

I hope to get a fix for this problem

Hello Kernel failures or so-called Kernel Panic are usually caused by hardware problems or incompatibilities, to a lesser extent they come from Software. In order to know if it was something specific or if your computer has a problem, I would do a Hardaware Test to see if it gives you a ram error or something similar.

To do the AHT Apple hardware Test I leave you an article from Apple about it.

How to use Apple Hardware Test on Mac

Once you pass it, you tell us if it is ok or the error code that it gives you in your case.


i have the same issues, please fix them

Kernel panic (OS 11.4, Macbook pro 2014, GT 750m)