My app has been rejected for 7 times and it runs fine on the simulator and the physical device

The review team says that it crashes upon launch. I am not really sure what is happening. .. can anyone help?

Below is the crash report. as well as some statistics from the console.

Total pre-main time: 702.43 milliseconds (100.0%)
     dylib loading time: 53.09 milliseconds (7.5%)
    rebase/binding time: 177.52 milliseconds (25.2%)
      ObjC setup time: 37.96 milliseconds (5.4%)
      initializer time: 433.84 milliseconds (61.7%)
      slowest intializers :
       libSystem.B.dylib :  5.11 milliseconds (0.7%)
  libMainThreadChecker.dylib : 39.81 milliseconds (5.6%)
         GPUToolsCore : 33.13 milliseconds (4.7%)
     libglInterpose.dylib : 246.33 milliseconds (35.0%)
            circles : 161.11 milliseconds (22.9%)

The reason from your crash is in the crash log:

exhausted real (wall clock) time allowance of 19.95 seconds

Your app is taking too long to launch (or to be precise, to call didFinishLaunching from the app delegate).

From the stack trace it looks like this is a React Native app so maybe in your RN code you are performing an operation that leads to a never ending loop, maybe performing a (blocking) networking call on the main thread? Have you tested your app without any connectivity?

My app has been rejected for 7 times and it runs fine on the simulator and the physical device