Localized SwiftUI macOS app picks the wrong localization

I am developing a SwiftUI based app (https://github.com/rsyncOSX/RsyncUI) which is localized to two languages, German and Norwegian. The development language is English. Running the app on a Norwegian macOS Montery works OK, the app shows the correct localization. Executing the app on an English macOS setup picks the German localization, and not the base localization which is English. And I don't know what causes the app to pick another language than English on a default English macOS setup....

I am experience this on macOS Monterey and Xcode 13, but also on macOS Big Sur and Xcode 12.5.1

In language settings there is a possibility to choose language on a app basis.. And on RsyncUI German is set to be the system default language on a English setup of MacOS Monterey. The development language is English...

Anyone has some idea what is going wrong?

Please use Feedback Assistant to file this bug. Thanks! As a workaround, you can add an empty Localizable.strings or InfoPlist.strings to your development language, English, in Xcode. This should build your SwiftUI app with an en.lproj that will inform the OS that the app support English.

Localized SwiftUI macOS app picks the wrong localization