lost connection to the debugger on my mac

I recently updated to Monterey from big sur on my m1 MacBook and now I tried running a simple code in CPP using xcode and it show this error where it says lost connection to the debugger on my mac . I just started coding so is it some bug in mac os Monterey or something is wrong in the setting

I'm experiencing this same issue. I'm running Monterey on an M1 Mac mini.

This is happening to me as well. A few additional details:

  1. Running Monterey with Xcode 12 and Xcode 13 beta 1 installed. Everything was working, I could do my normal work in Xcode 12, but still play around with new features in Xcode 13. Everything worked great.

  2. I installed Xcode 13 beta 2, which also included an install of the command line utilities. This is when the problem started, Xcode 12 could no longer use the debugger and I had to disable it in the scheme to at least test on the simulator.

  3. I tried reinstalling the command line tools for Xcode 12 thinking it would help, but it didn't. Debugger works fine on Xcode 13, but I can't do production work there since the app would not be approved on the App Store.

I have exactly the same situation.

  • Debug is possible is on the physical device.

  • Even reinstalling Xcode 12 doesn't help

to Solve this issue Try installing the beta version of Xcode 13 And it should work fine, I have tried it .

lost connection to the debugger on my mac