Device : apple m1 Mac-mini
Xcode : 12.5
Debug Task: I have developer-id ,so I can run iOS-App on Mac,not iPhone.
When I run on Mac-mini, device chose (My Mac(Designed for iPad)), it is unbelievable slow, I wait about 10 minutes, it still stuck on launching, and not start.
When I run on iPhone 11, it just cost 40 seconds(I know it is also slow, but acceptable ).
My guess: I use Xcode Marco DYLD_PRINT_STATISTICS_DETAILS to analyze start-time , it turns out to be that it spend a lot of time on "rebase ,binding " and "total debugger pause time". I wonder if or not because of that I target_link_libraries too many frameworks(about 9).
I have no. clue now , Is there anyone encountered this problem and solved, please give me some advices ,Thank you so. much !!!!!
(By the way , my iOS-app bundle size is about 205M )
Here is the screenshot:
I am the person who ask this question, today it just fixed (about 5 seconds to launch Application), after I upgrade to Xcode13.0, emmmmmm, have nothing to say, for my view, it's just a BUG of Xcode12.
Ps: when I use Xcode12, I doubt that whether my cmake-projects have loop-target-link,so I check and make sure there's not loop-link. Dyld3 takes so long time ,it's just the bug of Xcode12.