Ad hoc distribution Change user key values in bundle on install

I have successfully installed my iPhone App using Ad Hoc distribution using DistributionSummary.plist. I have added a user Key Value (url for first download of appp) to the Plist in xcode and I am able to access that key value after install. I would like to edit the DistributionSummary.plist to be able to change the user Key Value on install.

I was hoping to do this in Ad hoc as a test for MDM install of my app. So far it is not working. The value set in the app plist is coming in the bundle and I can read and use it. But change is not working.

Is it possible to do this using ad hoc distribution and MDM install?

Thank You


I was able to partially test this with a custom URL scheme with a parameter containing the server url to use. In the AppDelegate I handle the custom URL scheme access and check if the server url value has been set in NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults. If it has not been set then the url is set using the key. If it has been set a message displays that the app has already been configured and exits. Under ad hoc the html page has a button for install and then follows with configure. The next time the app is called by the user the new server url is used.

Knowing that I can set the NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults with the value, how would I get it using MDM managed configuration? Would the MDM update the NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults with my server url value or would I have to check it using the key and get the value if not set? Or would I still be able to have the MDM server install the app and then use the custom URL scheme with a parameter to set it?
