Design Problem

I see a problem with designing using dark mode displays. Nest both HStack and a List is the same Vstack the text changes color to white in both but not the background color. This makes the text invisible in the HStack. This makes the Text in the HStack not work a non scrolling header for the list in Dark Mode. This seams to be a bug in the design of the SwiftUI? I want a VStack to be the header but non scrolling but if I put in in the list is Scrolls out of sight.

  • I tried to put the HStack is a List but this does not look good because the other list has a ForEach where the whole background in Dark Mode goes black but the HStack leaves the outer background its List white. Why does not ever area in dark mode black for all elements is a list here either. Dark Mode should make all background Black. Non of the Pad OS should be white.

  • The HStack is meant to be column headers for the list items and need the same styling This seam to be a short fall of lists in the dark mode.

  • Now I see with further investigation it appears the Spacer the .frame around text and maybe all spacing dded to HStacks do not conform to Dark Mode using prerview.

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