Why is there no count to any of these draw indirect directives? I am appending draws to a single MTLBuffer on the cpu, but can't limit how many are drawn out of the buffer. An offset isn't enough to specify a range. Can this be supplied in some bind call?
- (void)drawIndexedPrimitives:(MTLPrimitiveType)primitiveType indexType:(MTLIndexType)indexType indexBuffer:(id <MTLBuffer>)indexBuffer indexBufferOffset:(NSUInteger)indexBufferOffset indirectBuffer:(id <MTLBuffer>)indirectBuffer indirectBufferOffset:(NSUInteger)indirectBufferOffset API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.11), ios(9.0));
Contrast this with the Vulkan call which as an offset and count.
vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect( m_encoder, indirectBuffer, drawBufferOffset, drawCount, sizeof( vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect ) );