Localization .strings troubleshooting: help needed

Hello, my SwiftUI app is localized with .strings files. Now I am testing the localization with only one .strings file (for the English language).

The occurrences in this file are in the form of "key"="value"; I checked the content and " ; chars are ok escaped unicode (\uxxxx) and \n " ' chars are ok all entries are on one single line

the file is in a folder named en.lproj which is inside the Resources folder.

In the build phases tab of the project the en.lproj folder is listed.

Here's the function that translates the occurrences:

func getLocalizedString(_ keyParam:String)->String
    let result=NSLocalizedString(keyParam,comment: "")
 //print("translate "+keyParam+"="+result)
    return result

All files seem to be in the project, no need to add them again.

When running the app on the simulator (language=English) the keys are displayed and not the traslated values, like

title_label instead of Title

so I think the translating function does not load the .strings file.

I know this is a issue for everyone trying to localize their app, so I am asking here which checks can I perform to troubleshoot and fix the localization? Thanks

Localization .strings troubleshooting: help needed