FPS App crashes when compiling, “Thread 1: Swift runtime failure: Range requires lowerBound <= upperBound” error

In the fps I'm making, I am making a 2D maze for the avatar to navigate in. I just finished coding it however whenever I compile it the app instantly crashes. The error that makes it crash is the following "Thread 1: Swift runtime failure: Range requires lowerBound <= upperBound" and occurs in this file Bitmap.swift

import UIKit

public struct Bitmap
    public private(set) var pixels: [Color]
    public let width: Int
    public init(width: Int, pixels: [Color], height: Int)
        self.width = width
        self.pixels = pixels

public extension Bitmap
    var height: Int
        let bitmapheight = pixels.count / width
        return bitmapheight
    subscript(x: Int, y: Int) -> Color
        get { return pixels[y * width + x] }
        set {
            guard x >= 0, y >= 0, x < width, y < height else {
            pixels[y * width + x] = newValue}
    init(width: Int, height: Int, color: Color) {
        self.pixels = Array(repeating: color, count: width * height)
        self.width = width
    mutating func fill(rect: Rect, color: Color)
        for y in Int(rect.min.y) ..< Int(rect.max.y)
            for x in Int(rect.min.x) ..< Int(rect.max.x)
                self[x, y] = color

at the line

for x in Int(rect.min.x) ..< Int(rect.max.x)

When I put a breakout on the line and run the code I see the following when the compiler runs the line:

min Engine.Vector x = (Double) 51.75 y = (Double) 0 max Engine.Vector x = (Double) 2 y = (Double) 51.75

I also get this at the terminal:

Engine was compiled with optimization - stepping may behave oddly; variables may not be available.

Since it's a big project and there's multiple files calling from one another in both the main game files and the game engine files, you can find the rest of the source code in the link below:


Game Engine files, including Bitmap.swift, will be in Rampage/Source/Engine while the main game files will be in Rampage/Source/Rampage. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated!.

Answered by OOPer in 679305022

FPS App crashes when compiling

 I see the following when the compiler runs the line

The compiler is a tool to generate a binary, and it is not something to run a code. As far as I know, the error you find is a runtime error which would not be shown in compile-time.

Ignoring such terminology problems, it is clear why you see that error:

min Engine.Vector x = (Double) 51.75 y = (Double) 0 max Engine.Vector x = (Double) 2 y = (Double) 51.75

The left hand side of the range operator ..< cannot be greater than the right hand side. In your case shown, 51.75 (and Int value of it) is clearly greater than 2.

You may need to find all the places you create such Rects in your project and fix them to fulfill the requirement of Range. Or create some sort of extension:

public extension Rect {
    var minX: Double {Swift.min(min.x, max.x)}
    var maxX: Double {Swift.max(min.x, max.x)}
    var minY: Double {Swift.min(min.y, max.y)}
    var maxY: Double {Swift.max(min.y, max.y)}

And use it like this:

        for y in Int(rect.minY) ..< Int(rect.maxY) {
            for x in Int(rect.minX) ..< Int(rect.maxX) {
                self[x, y] = color
Accepted Answer

FPS App crashes when compiling

 I see the following when the compiler runs the line

The compiler is a tool to generate a binary, and it is not something to run a code. As far as I know, the error you find is a runtime error which would not be shown in compile-time.

Ignoring such terminology problems, it is clear why you see that error:

min Engine.Vector x = (Double) 51.75 y = (Double) 0 max Engine.Vector x = (Double) 2 y = (Double) 51.75

The left hand side of the range operator ..< cannot be greater than the right hand side. In your case shown, 51.75 (and Int value of it) is clearly greater than 2.

You may need to find all the places you create such Rects in your project and fix them to fulfill the requirement of Range. Or create some sort of extension:

public extension Rect {
    var minX: Double {Swift.min(min.x, max.x)}
    var maxX: Double {Swift.max(min.x, max.x)}
    var minY: Double {Swift.min(min.y, max.y)}
    var maxY: Double {Swift.max(min.y, max.y)}

And use it like this:

        for y in Int(rect.minY) ..< Int(rect.maxY) {
            for x in Int(rect.minX) ..< Int(rect.maxX) {
                self[x, y] = color
FPS App crashes when compiling, “Thread 1: Swift runtime failure: Range requires lowerBound &lt;= upperBound” error