Export metrics from Xcode Organizer Metrics


Xcode Organizer Metrics contains a lot of insightful information about apps performance, data that is useful for other people on my development team that isn't necessarily developers, product owners for example.

Is there a way to export these metrics so I can share them with my team?

Thank you

If you issue a secondary click on a Metrics Organizer view, you will see a contextual menu pop up with an option to Show in Finder. This will open a Finder window and show you the Metrics.xcmetricsdata file for your app, which is a cached JSON data file of all the metrics and insights that have been recently loaded for your app in Organizer. The reports organizers also have the Show in Finder feature, but with Organizer Crash Reports, you can now also click a new share button to share a link.

The Power and Performance API is another option for your development team.

Export metrics from Xcode Organizer Metrics