Cannot convert value of type 'EventsTrigger' to expected argument type 'String?

Code below throw error as cannot convert value of type 'EventsTrigger' to expected argument type 'String?, where I miss?

EventsTrigger class:

public class EventsTrigger: NSObject {
  static let instance: EventsTrigger = EventsTrigger()


 self.service = NewService("node4", EventsTrigger.instance, err)

Depends on how NewService and its initializer is defined. Can you show the definition of it?

like that NewService(NSString* _Nullable Address, NSString* _Nullable rAddress, id<ServiceCallback> _Nullable serviceCallback, NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable error);

It has 4 parameters and the second parameter would be imported into Swift as String?. What do you want to pass to rAddress? And one more, the third parameter needs to be an instance of class conforming to ServiceCallback. Your EventsTrigger does not seem to conform to ServiceCallback.

actually, I just put code to fix that problem. I don't know what will be need to solve?

Unless any clarification about what you want to do, there is no clue to find what will be needed.

I find second parameter, it fix error, tnx :)

Please share the solution you have found.

Cannot convert value of type 'EventsTrigger' to expected argument type 'String?