IAP issue only on App Store release

In my local testing my in-app purchase button to remove ads does exactly what I want it to do. It opens a confirmation dialog to proceed with the purchase. Once published to the App Store however, tapping that button makes the whole UI go blank and nobody can make an in-app purchase. I'm not sure how to debug this since I don't see any problems until it's live.

extension IAPManager: SKProductsRequestDelegate {
 func productsRequest(_ request: SKProductsRequest,
            didReceive response: SKProductsResponse) {
  delegate?.promptToRemoveAds(product: response.products.first)
func promptToRemoveAds(product: SKProduct?) {
  let price = IAPManager.shared.formatPrice(forProduct: product) ?? "Error"
  let title = "Confirm Your In-App Purchase"
  let message = "Remove ads for \(price)?"
  let alert = UIAlertController(title: title, message: message, preferredStyle: .alert)


  vc.present(alert, animated: true)

Is your in app purchase in App Store Connect also approved? You need to add it to get approved in App Store Connect, there is a field where you can add IAPs for the app to also get reviewed. Had this also once, forgot to add the IAP for the review, and it was not approved, it was yellow instead of green, and it was not approved and therefore not working…

Is your in app purchase in App Store Connect also approved? You need to add it to get approved in App Store Connect, there is a field where you can add IAPs for the app to also get reviewed. Had this also once, forgot to add the IAP for the review, and it was not approved, it was yellow instead of green, and it was not approved and therefore not working…

Add a screenshot of your iap page, same for all languages. People tend to forget which causes metadata missing… 

IAP issue only on App Store release