Part1 Start Previews fail

  1. Downloaded and unarchived Building a Great Mac App with SwiftUI
  2. Set the team in Signing & Capabilities
  3. Built project
  4. Opened a view file with a preview provider -- e.g., GardenApp/Navigation/ContentView.swift
  5. Pressed "Resume" in preview pane.

Result: "Cannot preview in this file -- Failed to launch Garden"

Diagnostic dialog says:

FailedToLaunchError: Failed to launch Garden

/Users/pf/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Session1-epkltatcrbtmzhclsybsiwjohcvx/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/Garden App Start/Products/Debug/Garden


|  HumanReadableNSError: The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -10825.)
|  NSOSStatusErrorDomain (-10825):
|  ==_LSFunction: _LSOpenStuffCallLocal
|  ==_LSLine: 3762

Xcode: Version 13.0 beta (13A5154h) Big Sur: 11.4 (20F71)

Something's broken, but I don't know what. (Not a seasoned Xcode user.)

Answered by geeth2004 in 678605022

On the link where you got the Project from it says "Availability macOS 12.0+ & Xcode 13.0+"

Update your Mac to macOS 12.0 and try again.

Although, I do not recommend upgrading due to bugs I have encountered in the past few days.

Accepted Answer

On the link where you got the Project from it says "Availability macOS 12.0+ & Xcode 13.0+"

Update your Mac to macOS 12.0 and try again.

Although, I do not recommend upgrading due to bugs I have encountered in the past few days.

Part1 Start Previews fail