DrawTogether example code?

Would like to play with this example project shown on session wwdc21-10187

I'll second that, this would be extremely useful for me. I filed FB9163026 in case that helps.

I third that. I'm building an application right now that would benefit greatly from this example. Please release it!

I fourth that.

I love that Apple exposed Group Activity as an API. Would only make sense to make DrawTogether available as sample code.

I fifth that.

I have recreated the code from the video as much as Apple has shown however I am missing some parts of it. I am not a SwiftUI expert but if someone takes up the challenge to continue it I am more than happy to upload it to GitHub.

By the way, I attended a GroupActivities lab and the engineer seemed surprised the code wasn't up. He indicated that it'd probably go up eventually, but it's unclear whether this was guaranteed.

I sixth that.

On my part, I've cobbled together something using PencilKit, and would be more than happy to share my buggy code if anyone's interested.

Thank you @ivanmah for sharing.

Found it! I downloaded the sample code for DrawTogether here

edit: all good! (I didn't realize the call had to be started beforehand) Has anyone actually been able to successfully run the code in the project shared above? It seems that .isEligibleForGroupSession is always false on my device. I'm on the second beta of Xcode and the second beta of iOS 15.

As is possible with beta changes, the sample code no longer compiles.

One fix was easy: a button style for prominence was explicitly added in beta 5 -- now it is

    Button {
        } label: {
        Image(systemName: "person.2.fill")

The other fix I am less sure of: the type alias for Task.Handle was deprecated, and if I use just Task it compiles, but now SharePlay won't start the Group Activity - it instead shows a toast where you have to "Choose Content to Use SharePlay".

It's unclear if this is a side effect of the Task change, or if there is an undocumented change in GroupActivities. Has anyone succeeded in running this code lately?


DrawTogether example code?