GUI App for Photogrammetry editing

Is there some code to create the example GUI app you used in the demo?

The code for the GUI app used in the demo is not provided, but you may use the Photogrammetry command line app code and build a GUI on top of it.
Here's the link to download the command line app:

Hi @Dazzzz , were you able to create GUI App ?

In my GUI app, I am getting the error as,

"Process got error: invalidRequest(RealityFoundation.PhotogrammetrySession.Request.modelFile(url: file:///Users/sik/Desktop/Pot_usdz/sam.usdz, detail: RealityFoundation.PhotogrammetrySession.Request.Detail.preview, geometry: nil), ".modelFile directory path file:///Users/sik/Desktop/Pot_usdz/ cannot be written to!")"

Any help is appreciated.

GUI App for Photogrammetry editing