Why BigSur restart my app after waking up from sleep? And then cannot find my certificate...

My app checks the certificate exists in the keychain periodically. (Use API 'SecItemCopyMatching')

Usually after my macbook wakes up, system will restart my app. Then my app cannot load the certificate. => SecItemCopyMatching always return errSecItemNotFound(-25300)

Until I restart it again by myself.

I remembered that the UEM Deploy my app had a similar situation before. My app launched after Deploy, SecItemCopyMatching always return errSecItemNotFound until I restart it myself.

There are 2 questions:

  1. Under what circumstances, Big Sur will restart a running App?
  2. Why App started by the system cannot find the Certificate in the Keychain?
Environment: BigSur @ M1 MacBook AIR
Build : XCode 12.2



  • My application includes MacApp(UI) and XPC Daemon.
  • MacApp and XPC Daemon will be restarted by the system at the same time.

I did more tests:

[Test A] Manually unload XPC Daemon

After a long time, XPC Daemon is still activated by system. When Daemon is restarted, MacApp will also be restarted by the system...

Then MacApp can’t found the certificate.😢

[Test B] Create another App, only timed query certificate.

It will not be restarted, so the certificate can be found.✅

Supplement 2:

I use the following API to get the keychain search list. When my app is restarted by the system, "Domain User Search List" is empty. So I can't find Certificate.

CFArrayRef debugSearchList = NULL;
OSStatus debugStatus = SecKeychainCopySearchList(&debugSearchList);
LOGD(@"[DEBUG] %d CopySearchList = %@", debugStatus, debugSearchList);

CFArrayRef searchList = NULL;
OSStatus statusDomainUser = SecKeychainCopyDomainSearchList(kSecPreferencesDomainUser, &searchList);
LOGD(@"Copy kSecPreferencesDomainUser SearchList (%d) = %@", statusDomainUser, searchList);


[DEBUG] 0 CopySearchList = (
    "<SecKeychain 0x7f99b7d28280 [0x7fff8076db70]>",
    "<SecKeychain 0x7f99b7d289b0 [0x7fff8076db70]>",
    "<SecKeychain 0x7f99b7d291f0 [0x7fff8076db70]>"

Copy kSecPreferencesDomainUser SearchList = (
    "<SecKeychain 0x7f99b7d28280 [0x7fff8076db70]>"

Restarted by the system

[DEBUG] 0 CopySearchList = (
    "<SecKeychain 0x7fac7f529190 [0x7fff8076db70]>",
    "<SecKeychain 0x7fac7f5298c0 [0x7fff8076db70]>"

Copy kSecPreferencesDomainUser SearchList = (

After I check system log, found that "relaunch issue" is caused by UEM/MDM.

=> The 'mdmclient' reinstalls my application, scripts will kill the running program.

<<MDM reinstall>> 	15:00:18.512454 mdmclient	Processing install phase 1 for…
<<Relaunch App>>	15:00:26.596707 MobileIron Authenticate	void checkArguments(NSArray<NSString *> *__strong)
<<Relaunch Daemon>> 	15:00:26.626379 MiDaemon	int main(int, const char **) [DAEMON] main (without UI)


Another issue - 「App started by the system cannot find the Certificate in the Keychain」

I still don’t know why, but found a solution.

Just use 'SecKeychainOpen' to open the user keychain file (~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db), and it can be used normally.

Why BigSur restart my app after waking up from sleep? And then cannot find my certificate...