Hello there!
I have a question regarding the AVAssetWriter
and writing multiple video tracks in a single file. This is a variant supported by the MP4 container format and I was able to do it under iOS 14 without any issues.
What I did was creating a single AVAssetWriter
and an AVAssetWriterInput
for each video track. I gathered all tracks in a single AVAssetWriterInputGroup
which I then added to the AVAssetWriter
. Additionally, I added an input for writing the videos audio track. All that worked great, however, after I installed the iOS 15 beta, it did not.
What I found out is that I can only write 2 video tracks under iOS 15, while I was able to write 3 in a single file under iOS 14. When I try to write 3 tracks with audio, the AVAssetWriter
crashes with an error specifing it failed to encode the video as soon as the first audio buffer is added. When writing without audio, everything works as intended, but after finishing the writer, the video is empty/corrupted.
Here you can find my codee for setting up the AVAssetWriter
private func setupWriter(withTarget url: URL,
fileType: AVFileType,
videoConfig: MultidimensionalVideoWritingConfig,
audioConfig: AudioWritingConfig?,
defaultType: VideoType = .rgb) {
do {
writer = try AVAssetWriter(url: url, fileType: fileType)
} catch {
fatalError("Could not create AVAssetWriter: \(error.localizedDescription)")
for (type, config) in videoConfig {
let (input, adaptor) = createFrameInput(for: type, from: config)
frameInputs[type] = input
frameAdaptors[type] = adaptor
if writer.canAdd(input) {
} else {
fatalError("Could not add \(type.rawValue) frame input to writer.")
let inputs = Array(frameInputs.values)
let defaultInput = frameInputs[defaultType]
let inputGroup = AVAssetWriterInputGroup(inputs: inputs, defaultInput: defaultInput)
if writer.canAdd(inputGroup) {
} else {
fatalError("Could not add input group to writer.")
if let audioSettings = audioConfig {
let input = AVAssetWriterInput(mediaType: .audio, outputSettings: audioSettings)
input.expectsMediaDataInRealTime = true
if writer.canAdd(input) {
} else { fatalError("Could not add audio input to writer.") }
audioInput = input
private func createFrameInput(for type: VideoType, from config: VideoTrackWritingConfig) -> (AVAssetWriterInput, AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor) {
let size = config.size
let frameSettings: [String: Any] = [
AVVideoCodecKey: config.codec,
AVVideoWidthKey: size.width,
AVVideoHeightKey: size.height
let pixelBufferSettings: [String: Any] = [
kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey as String: NSNumber(value: config.format),
kCVPixelBufferWidthKey as String: size.width,
kCVPixelBufferHeightKey as String: size.height
let frameInput = AVAssetWriterInput(mediaType: .video, outputSettings: frameSettings)
frameInput.metadata = createMetadata(for: type)
frameInput.transform = config.transform
frameInput.expectsMediaDataInRealTime = true
let frameAdaptor = AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor(assetWriterInput: frameInput,
sourcePixelBufferAttributes: pixelBufferSettings)
return (frameInput, frameAdaptor)
private func createMetadata(for type: VideoType) -> [AVMutableMetadataItem] {
let typeInfo = metadataItem(.commonIdentifierTitle, value: type.rawValue)
return [typeInfo]
private func metadataItem(_ identifier: AVMetadataIdentifier, value: String) -> AVMutableMetadataItem {
let item = AVMutableMetadataItem()
item.identifier = identifier
item.value = value as NSString
return item
I know it's well possible for this to be a bug as it's the iOS 15 beta. However, it's oddly specific for it to work with 2 video tracks, but not with 3. So if you have any idea what this yould be, please let me know. Maybe I made some configuration error that just happend to work under iOS 14 for some reason.