I am trying to implement MetricKit so later I could analyze MXCrashDiagnostic and MXHangDiagnostic reports. However when I am triggering a test crash, Here is an example of what I get for MXCrashDiagnostic:
iente "timeStampEnd": "2021-06-07 15:59:00 +0000", "crashDiagnostics": [ { "version": "1.0.0", "callStackTree": { "callStacks": [ { "threadAttributed": true, "callStackRootFrames": [ { "binaryUUID": "DC2EACEA-3D9C-3409-96C2-2DF9C89AD19D", "offsetIntoBinaryTextSegment": 6917586944, "sampleCount": 1, "subFrames": [ { "binaryUUID": "DC2EACEA-3D9C-3409-96C2-2DF9C89AD19D", "offsetIntoBinaryTextSegment": 6917586944, "sampleCount": 1, "subFrames": [ { "binaryUUID": "DC2EACEA-3D9C-3409-96C2-2DF9C89AD19D", "offsetIntoBinaryTextSegment": 6917586944, "sampleCount": 1, "subFrames": [ { "binaryUUID": "35463E49-9534-3644-B993-2A73C287A143", "offsetIntoBinaryTextSegment": 4329963520, "sampleCount": 1, "binaryName": "demo", "address": 4333717704 }]
I tried to symbolicate the the data, by executing commands:
atos -arch arm64e -o /Users/***/Downloads/!dsym-4/demo.app.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/demo 4333717704
But I can't find the crash stack and the result returned is
the DSYM file uuid is
UUID: 35463E49-9534-3644-B993-2A73C287A143 (arm64) /Users/***/Downloads/!dsym-3/demo.app.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/demo
How should the stack returned by MetrickIt be symbolized? Who can tell me very grateful