Is there a way to translate touches to screen coordinates

As you can see in the last two lines of the code below, I specify a specific SKSpriteNode to get the correct (or is it, adjusted?) touch coordinates. The last line is just left in there to compare while I am debugging.

I was curious if there was already a method in Swift that translates any coordinates handed to it into physical screen coordinates?

It would just be easier than having to first find out: Is this item that I am tracking, owned by the main GameScene, or a SKSpriteNode that has been placed somewhere other than 0,0 on the GameScene?

override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
        super.touchesEnded(touches , with:event)
        var delta = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
        guard touches.first != nil else { return }
        if let touch = touches.first,
           let node = myGV.currentGem,
           node.isMoving == true {
            let touchLocation = touch.location(in: myGV.guessBar!)
            let touchLocation2 = touch.location(in: self)

Answered by Claude31 in 677289022

If you find the topmost view (calling superview repeatedly) then

let touchLocationAbsolute = touch.location(in: topMostView)

will give you what you are looking for.

To find the topmost, I would do something like this :

var topMostView = myGV.guessBar
var upperView = myGV.guessBar
while upperView != nil {
    topMostView = upperView!
    upperView = topMostView!.superview
let touchLocationAbsolute = touch.location(in: topMostView)
Accepted Answer

If you find the topmost view (calling superview repeatedly) then

let touchLocationAbsolute = touch.location(in: topMostView)

will give you what you are looking for.

To find the topmost, I would do something like this :

var topMostView = myGV.guessBar
var upperView = myGV.guessBar
while upperView != nil {
    topMostView = upperView!
    upperView = topMostView!.superview
let touchLocationAbsolute = touch.location(in: topMostView)
Is there a way to translate touches to screen coordinates