No download button showing for Redemption Codes in Apple Business Manager

I've just released my custom app through Apple Business Manager and have attempted to generate some redemption codes, there is an order number and a quantity of 100 but there is currently no download button so I'm unsure of how to get my redemption codes.

Does this normally take some time to generate a download button or should this be instant?

Yes, download button comes instantly after generating redemption codes. Check whether You've generated the redemption code properly or not.

Hello there,

I'm facing the same issue and there is also another thread asking the same:

@ripalogging, when you said "properly", what do you mean? Is there a non-proper way to generate the redemption codes?

I had the same issue today. I ended up making a duplicate purchase (free codes, so no cost) and it re-entered the same order number and made the download button appear on the original order under the Redemption Codes section. If you haven't already, try making the exact same purchase again.

No download button showing for Redemption Codes in Apple Business Manager