I need the fastest, earliest programmatic transition possible from one vc to another. So I need to have
performed as fast as possible so the transition happens as quickly as possible. But the vc containing this method should remain in the stack.
It won't work from ViewDidLoad but will work from viewDidAppear.
Is there an earlier method I can use to put my performeSegue so it will be performed asap?
I need the fastest, earliest programmatic transition possible from one vc to another. So I need to have
Code Block performSegue(withIdentifier: "fromEntryToVoting", sender: nil)
performed as fast as possible so the transition happens as quickly as possible. But the vc containing this method should remain in the stack.
It won't work from ViewDidLoad but will work from viewDidAppear.
Is there an earlier method I can use to put my performeSegue so it will be performed asap?