How to integrate CloudKit Shared Feature using CoreData and CloudKit Database

I want to create a application which uses Apple CloudKit shared database data, I already created a Application which uses NSCloudKitPersistence Container which help me to create a App which uses both CoreData and iCloud Personal Storage.

I created the app using SwiftUI with SwiftUI 2 lifecycle.

My app has two entity called as
Task and Items
Task (id:UUID,title:String)
Items (id:UUID,title:String)

And Task and Items are connected each other with One to Many Relation Ship.

So can you help me achieve Apple CloudKit shared database data from very beginning as I don't know how these work actually and the starting guides also won't help me much please you help is highly appreciated.

I'm in the same boat as you. Can't find any help on this anywhere.

The video from WWDC2021 covers it at a high level, and from there it feels like we're expected to derive everything from the documentation, which is pretty sparse... A basic "Hello World" application implementing shared data and showing how the application needs to manage the multiple databases would be very helpful indeed.

I was about to start writing such an app, before I discovered a few bugs in the basic CK implementation for the Xcode 13 beta.

How to integrate CloudKit Shared Feature using CoreData and CloudKit Database