View Controller not visible in Identity Inspector

I am trying to learn Xcode using iOS 14 Programming for Beginners.
I have just created a new View Controller and created a Cocoa Touch class called RestaurantListViewController. In this I had to add 2 collection view stubs and an @IBoutlet var to the UICollectionView.
The book then instructs me to click on th View Controller in the
document outline, for the view controller I have just created, the click on the Identity Inspector to add the class, but it says no selection?
I can't see where I am going wrong?
The only warning I get is: Prototype collection view cells must have reuse indentifiers.
Here is the code for the class:
Code Block
//  RestaurantListViewController.swift
//  EatOut
//  Created by Tony Hudson on 22/05/2021.
import UIKit
class RestaurantListViewController: UIViewController, UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDelegate {
    @IBOutlet weak var collectionView: UICollectionView!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
      return collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "restaurantCell", for: indexPath)

Please can someone help?
Answered by Rocky48 in 675550022
I find that the book does not explain the methods very well. The book said 'Click on Main.storyboard and click on View Controller icon of the newly added View Controller Scene in the document outline'. It did not say anything about clicking on the new scene tab bar as you described. this is not the first instruction that the author has described ambiguously,
Thank you for your help!
Your question is really unclear. But I guess in a moment you will provide the answer yourself… 😀

but it says no selection? 

That's because you have not selected anything in the storyboard.
You have to select the viewController in storyboard (click on the white bar with 3 icons at the top of the viewController in IB) and then open Identity inspector.
Give it RestaurantListViewController as custom class.

Accepted Answer
I find that the book does not explain the methods very well. The book said 'Click on Main.storyboard and click on View Controller icon of the newly added View Controller Scene in the document outline'. It did not say anything about clicking on the new scene tab bar as you described. this is not the first instruction that the author has described ambiguously,
Thank you for your help!
My guess was correct, as my answer.

But visibly, once again, you are more satisfied by your own comment than the provided solution. Not sure that will help a lot for those searching a solution to a similar problem…

Note: if you had read carefully and understood what the book instruction says, you would have seen it works.
Maybe you should also read again how to use the forum and the correct answer mark.

Have a good day.
View Controller not visible in Identity Inspector