I would like to know what is the recommended way to detect the end of a live HLS playlist (sliding window) which contains the EXT-X-ENDLIST end tag ?
I tried to do this:
Observing the currentItem's duration property. It often works, but sometimes currentItem's duration remains indefinite even if EXT-X-ENDLIST hls end tag was appended to the playlist. To me:
if duration.isIndefinite, we're LIVE
if duration.isValid && !duration.isIndefinite, it's VOD
Observe playbackType from AVPlayerItem's last accessLogEvent with AVPlayerItemNewAccessLogEntryNotification. It seems the most reliable and work 100% of the time, but accessLog is never refreshed when playing a live playlist and is refreshed only after seeking. I would prefer a more reactive way to know when a live has ended...
Code Block swift #EXTM3U #EXT-X-VERSION:3 #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:8 #EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:302 #EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME:2021-05-20T13:30:32.000Z #EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=AES-128,URI="https://example.akamaized.net/serve.key" #EXTINF:8.00000, remote_00302.ts #EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME:2021-05-20T13:30:40.000Z #EXTINF:8.00000, remote_00303.ts ... #EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME:2021-05-20T14:00:08.000Z #EXTINF:8.00000, remote_00524.ts #EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME:2021-05-20T14:00:16.000Z #EXTINF:8.00000, remote_00525.ts #EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME:2021-05-20T14:00:24.000Z #EXTINF:5.13333, remote_00526.ts #EXT-X-ENDLIST
Should i file a bug for this ? Or i'm doing it in the wrong way ?
Thank you for your help,