How to change color of SwiftUI's Alert.Button.destructive on macOS

We have SwiftUI Alert with destructive button - "Yes, sign out"?

Code Block
title: Text("Are you sure you want to sign out?"),
message: Text("Some message"),
primaryButton: .cancel(
Text("No, don’t sign out")
secondaryButton: .destructive(
Text("Yes, sign out"),
action: { print("signOut") }

Button's text is displayed in pale pink but according to our design we want to change it to dark red. As an option we want change button's color as well.

How we can accomplish it?

As a side note: we found that for iOS we probably can utilise UIView.appearance(whenContainedInInstancesOf: API but it's available only on iOS but we are interested in solution for macOS
How to change color of SwiftUI's Alert.Button.destructive on macOS