Could not distribute safari web extension due to messages.json error

ERROR ITMS-90862: "Invalid messages file. The messages.json validation failed for locale en in the Safari web extension bundle Lingocloud - Web Translation - Web Translation Extension Extension.appex. The description field must be present, of string type, and 112 or fewer characters long."

I've checked the messages.json that all fields have a "description" field. Don't know what's wrong.

Extension source is uploaded vie Feedback Assistant, id 9105992.

Can you share the source code here? Or at least /_locales/en/messages.json and /manifest.json?

mayfield, thank you for the follow up comment. I came across the same issue and quickly resolved it because of you.

It should be allowed longer. In my case, Some languages are OK. But Some others were not in 112.

because some others were much longer letter and more words to translate it.

Please consider it this matter.

Indeed, the problem is solved by the fact that you need to shrink to 112 characters. And the most stupid thing here is that Xcode does not clearly tell what the problem is. I realized this only after I threw the package into the Transporter. And I also agree that brevity is the sister of talent. But not so much :)

Could not distribute safari web extension due to messages.json error