I am learning Swift to develop macOS applications and I ran into a problem. I am trying to get certain data from a JSON from the internet. I have managed to get such data and put it in simple text labels in the view but when I run Xcode and get the values, if the values from the JSON get updated, I can't see it reflected in my app. I know that I must perform a function to refresh the data but what I have always found is the function to refresh the data that is in a table, not a simple text label. So, basically to summarize, I get the values of the json file from url but if those values are updated, my app does not show them.
A sample of the json in the url:
Any help will help me! Thanks!
Code Block import Foundation struct WelcomeElement: Codable { let link: String? let state: String? let editable: Bool? let type, name: String? let groupNames: [String]? let label, category: String? let members: [JSONAny]? let groupType: String? } typealias Datos = [WelcomeElement] class UserItems { func loadData(completion: @escaping (Datos) -> Void) { let url = URL(string: "")! URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, _, error in if let error = error { print(error); return } do { let items = try JSONDecoder().decode([WelcomeElement].self, from: data!) completion(items) } catch { print(error) } }.resume() } }
Code Block import Cocoa class ViewController: NSViewController, NSTextFieldDelegate { let userItems = UserItems() @IBOutlet var itemSalida: NSTextField! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() userItems.loadData { users in print(users) if let position = users.firstIndex(where: { $0.name == "test2" }) { DispatchQueue.main.async { print(users[position].state!) self.itemSalida.stringValue = users[position].state ?? "na" } } } } }
A sample of the json in the url:
Code Block { "link": "null", "state": "NULL", "editable": false, "type": "String", "name": "m", "tags": [], "groupNames": [] }, { "link": "test1", "state": "-1", "stateDescription": { "pattern": "%d", "options": [] }, "editable": true, "type": "Number", "name": "test2", "label": "Current", "category": "", "tags": [ "Point" ], "groupNames": [] } ---
Any help will help me! Thanks!
You request the JSON data, so that cannot be done automatically.
You have several options:
or when user taps on the table
You have several options:
create a timer (frequency 10s ? 60 s ? depends on the data nature) to regularly call for loadData as you did in viewDidLoad and thus update labels
you could also tigger by user:
or when user taps on the table
have the server push you notifications and process when receiving.