Error -11819 "Cannot Complete Action" on iOS 14.5


Our app is using avfoundation to add overlay and merge several video tracks and audio.

we are using:
Code Block

it works well until iOS 14.5. From iOS 14.5, there are more errors below (very frequently), sometime it crashes too.

Code Block
Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11819 "Cannot Complete Action" UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Try again later., NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot Complete Action, NSUnderlyingError=0x283cf3d80 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-16978 "(null)"}}

With our first investigations, we suppose that iOS 14.5 is more strict on memory consumption, but we cant' find any changelog about avfoundation or memory restriction on iOS 14.5

We are in trouble, because our app is completely inusable.

Looking forward for your relays, thank you!
When you get -11819, it means that a daemon has crashed. Please file a report using the feedback assistant.
I use AVAssetReader and AVAssetWriter to export edited video. Since iOS 14.5.1, -11819 errors have occurred a lot too.
Please report those failure too ;)
I am also seeing this at a super high rate. In many ways our app is becoming unusable with 14.5
Yes, I have same issue too. I use nextLevelSessionExporter for rendering video, but on some videos with iOS 14.5 I get that error.

Same problem. Filed a radar. The issue for us is that with iOS 14.5, any lengthy 4K resolution video will fail with this error.

Like you, this problem occurs frequently after users upgrade to 14.6, which gives me a headache, because users only have this problem after upgrading the system, and they use it very well in versions before IOS 14.5. What's more, as long as it appears on this mobile phone, it is a necessary error. Have you solved this problem now?

Users are starting to report this same issue when things were fine before. All of them are on 14.6. Seeing the same error in Xcode. Don't have a fix but hopefully Apple sees how many of us are experiencing this.

This has become rampant on iOS 15 devices as well, particularly iPhone X. Not sure what is the fix!

The same error on iOS 15.3.1, please fix this or provide a better explanation

I'm also running into the same issue here. None of the bug reports in the comments above are visible on feedback assistant. I've tried exporting at 720p, among other resolutions and still run into the error occasionally. In addition - it kills all the other active AVPlayer's in my app (presumably because this is a daemon crash?). This is on iOS 15 as well.

I have filled feedback report FB11677700 with full description and sample project. I have heard nothing back from the apple engineer's after multiple requests for updates. Why is it that apple always gives some vague answers (LIKE: "This symptom can be indicative of a number of different root causes") and asks developers to file reports and sample projects when they know that multiple people have already done this already and have described the problem in detail.

APPLE MEDIA ENGINEERS: why don't you do your jobs and fix this long standing problem of something you keep breaking. Really guys, just stop it and do your jobs. The dev community is not crazy. We are suffering because you guys won't "DO YOUR JOBS!".

I'm sure some moderator will delete this truth of a post but you should be ashamed of yourselves! This is our way of making an income and you are hurting us. HOW LONG HAS THIS THREAD ALONE EXISTED in addition to all the others out there of devs complaining about this issue???

Speaking of which, I'm going to send an email to Mr. C so that he knows about this issue. Always happens when we report problems that good luck if an apple engineer actually gets back to you. Too busy adding new features to the next version of iOS I am sure.

To further clarify: an error is not all that is thrown (that I could just catch and re-try); the error cause the app to hang "no matter what I do to mitigate the hang". Our app has become unusable. Error + hang happens either randomly (6 out of 10 times) when using AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationTool to add an overly -AND- error always happens when trying to render/export and then app is sent to background & back to foreground. iOS dev hang-detection shows count up to 10s and then is shortly after executed by iOS. We have tried everything and nothing will mitigate. Started happening several major versions back of iOS; then seems to have been fixed; and then back again. Seems like others have given up on issue and shut down their apps because has destroyed their business with this not being fixed by Apple Media Engineers.

I was getting the same error. Further digging made me find out it's because of high memory usage. wrapping the body of the loop inside autoreleasepool fixed it in my case. This answer on stackoverflow helped me a lot.

Error -11819 "Cannot Complete Action" on iOS 14.5