I am developing an App using CoreData & CloudKit (NSPersistentCloudKitContainer).
Thanks a lot for your help in Advance. This is quiet a huge Update and the App does have an existing Userbase, so Migration-Problems are no Option;)
I am working on an App Update which includes an Update to the CoreData Model. I have created a new Model Version and applied the Changes (including new Properties & Relationships as well as Renaming of Entities & Properties). For Renaming I set the Renaming ID to the old Entity- / Property-Name. These Changes should be supported by Lightweight-Migration.
Is there anything else I have to consider when updating a CoreData Model or did I cover all?
What about the CloudKit Synchronization? How does CloudKit handle the CoreData Model Update?
I read about adding this Method *(initializeCloudKitSchemaWithOptions)* during Development and removing it when deploying to Production. What does this Method do exactly?
Thanks a lot for your help in Advance. This is quiet a huge Update and the App does have an existing Userbase, so Migration-Problems are no Option;)