XCode does not hit the breakpoint but lldb can


I am working on a quite huge source code in which the breakpoint function is critical but unfortunately, XCode does not hit the breakpoint. To illustrate the problem clearly, I simplified the step to help you reproduce.

XCode version: 12.5
OSX version: 11.3

1, Pull the source of WebRTC, build it with
Code Block
Code Block
I ran the steps below:
Note: This forum does not allow me to post the actual link, so please let me post how to reach there.
A Viste webrtc.org/support/overview
B Select Native development in the left pane.
C Select iOS link on the page.
D Go through the steps till and include Using Xcode
2, I open the XCode project and select AppRTCMobile , set the breakpoint at main.m, and hit the play button, XCode did build the source yet the breakpoint does not get hit.
3, I suspected that the problem might be the ninja build code inside the huge source, so I made an experiment using lldb to load the binary, it is actually working, here is the copy of messages:
Load the app.
Code Block
(lldb)file AppRTCMobile.app
Current executable set to '/Users/MY WEBRTC DIRECTORY/src/out/xcode_mac_64_debug/AppRTCMobile.app' (x86_64).

Set the breakpoint
Code Block
(lldb)breakpoint set --file main.m --line 18
Breakpoint 2: where = AppRTCMobile`main + 44 at main.m:18:24, address = 0x0000000100003a6c

List the breakpoint.
Code Block
(lldb)breakpoint list
Current breakpoints:
1: name = 'main:', locations = 0 (pending)
2: file = 'main.m', line = 18, exact_match = 0, locations = 1
2.1: where = AppRTCMobile`main + 44 at main.m:18:24, address = AppRTCMobile[0x0000000100003a6c], unresolved, hit count = 0

It might be safe to argue that the debug symbols are there, lldb can understand but XCode can not. Please help me to make the breakpoint work, without the breakpoint it is impossible to work with those huge source code more than 6GB using a normal human brain:-(

Have you figured this out? Facing the same problem

XCode does not hit the breakpoint but lldb can