Localizing XCAsset images in a swift package

Hi all ;-)

I'm using SPM to create various libraries.
So far, I only had to localize strings, so I added a Resources folder, some .lproj data and a defaultLocalization in my Package.swift file.

Now I'd like to localize some images in the XCAsset catalog, but when I click on "localize" on my image, the only localization that is proposed is the defaultLocalization from my Package.swift file (if I change "en" to "fr", I now get a "French" localize option, but English has gone).

How can I make Xcode aware of the supported localization inside my package ?


I'm currently trying to solve this exact issue -- just as the OP described it (circa Xcode 13.2.1).

Localizing XCAsset images in a swift package