Widget not appearing in "Search Widgets" in ios14.5

After updating to xcode 12.5 and ios14.5, our app's widget is NOT appearing in "Search widgets"

I tried to upload the bundle with bitcode disabled but that didn't help. Anyone else experiencing this issue?
Some of users met same problem in my app.
They install latest version of app which is supported widget and open app -> Back to Home Screen -> Open Widget Gallery.
Still cannot find my app widgets on Widget Gallery until they re-install app.

We’re seeing the same issue / on certain devices our widget is not showing up in the iOS list of available widgets.

Any chance you’ve had any success figuring this out?
This is also happening to me, no idea why this is happening
Some of my users are reporting this too. And since the app is a widget design tool/editor that's a pretty big issue for me, since it renders the complete app useless to those users.
Apple said it's a bug and asked me to file a bug report via Feedback Assistant. For more information on Feedback Assistant, visit <https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/>.

Did anyone find a solution to this?

Widget not appearing in "Search Widgets" in ios14.5