Retrospective connection?

I am learning Xcode from Ahmad Sahar's book and somehow I have disconnected the exploreViewController from the navigation controller. I have now progressed far beyond the point where this was connected to the navigation controller, so I Ctrl + Dragged from the button to the navigation controller.
However when I ran the project I get a Compile error:
Code Block
Couldn't compile connection: <IBCocoaTouchOutletConnection: 0x123ef3a50 (sN1-9E-uLq)  source=<IBProxyObject: 0x123ef2be0 (Wnw-oV-gaS) 'Placeholder for UIStoryboardPopoverPresentationSegueTemplate with OID GlU-yO-pRa'>  property=anchorView  destination=<IBUIButton: 0x120195400 (WOO-Ms-Zlt) 'Button'>>

As I am still learning I am not sure how to fix this problem?
If I click on the segue icon it says 'Present as Popover segue'
and Segue Actions shows 'instantiation' with a circle but if I click on the circle nothing is listed for the segue.

Please help?


Not very clear what is the setup of all the views.

My best guess:
  • I assume the exploreViewController is in the navigation stack of navigation controller

  • if so, you should probably reconnect the exploreViewController from the navigation controller.

ControlDrag from the navigation controller (from its content of VC in IB) to exploreViewController and select Relationship segue: Rootview controller

That will make exploreViewController the first VC in navigation stack.