Core Bluetooth CBAdvertisementDataServiceDataKey could have some custom data?

Hi community,

Im trying to send some data between and android and iOS device with BLE, but I need to send some custom information on the side of iOS to android , I already try almost all the keys that the CBCentralManager provides , but I try to send some string with the key CBAdvertisementDataServiceDataKey but nothing happens,anyone to know how to send information in that key?
in advance I try to have that information without connection.
this is the function that I use to try to make that part that I explain before.

Code Block func peripheralManagerDidUpdateState(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager) {
if peripheral.state == .poweredOn{
let data = CBMutableCharacteristic(type: hardCodeUUID, properties: [.read], value: .utf8), permissions: [.readable])
peripherialManager.startAdvertising([ CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey:"Jael2522", .utf8),CBAdvertisementDataServiceDataKey:[CBUUID(string: "Jose")]])
let serialService = CBMutableService(type: hardCodeUUID, primary: true)
serialService.characteristics = [data]

Core Bluetooth CBAdvertisementDataServiceDataKey could have some custom data?