My iOS app is coded primarily in obj-c and is compartmentalised into 15 different traditional .framework bundles. One of these frameworks is exclusively swift. Now I am trying to create parcels which are more easily reused across the firm, so I want to extract core functionality from my swiftCode.framework and create swift packages, and use those new packages inside my swift framework. Unfortunately my first attempt to do this has been thwarted by 'no such module' errors when I try to import my package in a .swift file. my Xcode project downloads the package and it appears to build properly (and I can see it in the 'debug' folder of my derivedData folder). but every time I try to import it in a swift file I get the error 'no such module' with no further information on how to track down the error! I think the package manager is a really great Idea, and I am anxious to be using it, however... How can I make it work? (Xcode 12.2 on Catalina)