I like to get the url of the ReplayKit screen recording instead of saving the video to my camera roll or forwarding it. From a WWDC 2017 video, it was mentioned that to get the url, one can use the following function:
func stopRecording(withOutput url: URL, completionHandler: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil){}
But I am having a hard time figuring out how to call/implement this line of code. I have a start recording @IBAction button and a stop recording @IBAction button. The screen recording is working fine. However, can someone show me how or/and where to add this stopRecording function so I can get the url for the screen recording? Appreciate any help pointing me to the right direction. I am still learning Xcode. Thank-you!
@IBAction func StartScreenRec( sender: Any) {
screenrecorder.startRecording { (error) in
if let error = error {
self.ScreenStartRecordBtn.isHidden = true
self.StopScreenRecBtn.isHidden = false
@IBAction func StopScreenRec( sender: Any) {
screenrecorder.stopRecording { (previewVC, error) in
if let previewVC = previewVC {
previewVC.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
previewVC.previewControllerDelegate = self
self.present(previewVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
if let error = error {
self.ScreenStartRecordBtn.isHidden = false
self.StopScreenRecBtn.isHidden = true
func stopRecording(withOutput url: URL, completionHandler: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil){}
But I am having a hard time figuring out how to call/implement this line of code. I have a start recording @IBAction button and a stop recording @IBAction button. The screen recording is working fine. However, can someone show me how or/and where to add this stopRecording function so I can get the url for the screen recording? Appreciate any help pointing me to the right direction. I am still learning Xcode. Thank-you!
@IBAction func StartScreenRec( sender: Any) {
screenrecorder.startRecording { (error) in
if let error = error {
self.ScreenStartRecordBtn.isHidden = true
self.StopScreenRecBtn.isHidden = false
@IBAction func StopScreenRec( sender: Any) {
screenrecorder.stopRecording { (previewVC, error) in
if let previewVC = previewVC {
previewVC.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
previewVC.previewControllerDelegate = self
self.present(previewVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
if let error = error {
self.ScreenStartRecordBtn.isHidden = false
self.StopScreenRecBtn.isHidden = true