No such module 'Alamofire' while running simulator in Xcode 12.4

I have tried all below points to rectify this issue for ios 12 version in Xcode 12.4 but still not able to resolve this issue.
  1. I have uninstalled all pods and install updated pods

  2. Clean Project & re-build Project

  3. Closed Xcode & reopen the same.

  4. Turned OFF mac & restarted.

I also assure that I am opening xcworkspace project not xcodeproj.

Kindly suggest anyone who faced same issue or rectified this issue or know how to resolve it.
Does it work for iOS 13 or higher ?

Please post the exact complete error message.
No, it doesn't work not even in iOS 12 and above.

The exact error message mentioned below which I am getting while running on simulator but on iPhone device is working absolutely fine.

10:8: No such module 'Alamofire'

I have the same problem. I work with xcode 12.5.1 in iOS 13.0 and besides not being able to run the emulator I cannot generate an ipa. If I can run the app on the device

post_install do |installer|   

      installer.pods_project.build_configurations.each do |config|

        config.build_settings["EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]"] = "arm64"



This is the solution I posted on Github with regards to how I went about fixing it on Xcode 14.3.1


No such module 'Alamofire' while running simulator in Xcode 12.4