Unexpected_Error 500 when modifying app data via patch method

I am trying to modify my app fields via the appstoreconnect api call here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/modify_an_app_info
However, I'm getting the following error whenever I try the api call:
    "errors": [
            "status": "500",
            "code": "UNEXPECTED_ERROR",
            "title": "An unexpected error occurred.",
            "detail": "An unexpected error occurred on the server side. If this issue continues, contact us at ***

I am using the URL https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com/v1/apps/id_here with the following headers using Postman:
    headers = {
    'Content-Type': "application/json",
    'Authorization': "Bearer "+token.decode("utf-8"),
    'User-Agent': "PostmanRuntime/7.11.0",
    'Accept': "*/*",
    'Cache-Control': "no-cache",
    'Postman-Token': "***",
    'Host': "api.appstoreconnect.apple.com",
    'accept-encoding': "gzip, deflate",
    'Connection': "keep-alive",
    'cache-control': "no-cache"

and my JSON body is as follows:
    "data": {
        "type" : "apps",
        "id" : "xxxx",
        "attributes" : {
            "availableInNewTerritories": true
        "relationships": {
            "availableTerritories" : {
                "data": [
                    "type": "territories",
                    "id": "***"
Other api calls work completely fine. I am able to get, post, and even patch my appInfos fields as detailed here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/modify_an_app_info
I am only seeing this issue with this one specific call. Any advice/suggestions?
Answered by leonwu21 in 674117022
Just an update, Apple applied a hotfix which seems to have resolved this issue!
EDIT: The first link should be https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/modify_an_app (not "modify_an_app_info"). The last link is correct.
I am having the exact same 500 UNEXPECTED_ERROR issue.

All other API calls work apart from this PATCH call.

I have contacted Apple Developer Support and they have asked for additional information (Request ID, Errors etc).

Hopefully there is some updated documentation/fix that they can provide.
Glad to know I'm not the only one with this issue! I've submitted a ticket as well as a bug report on their Feedback Assistant, but so far no progress for this issue.
Accepted Answer
Just an update, Apple applied a hotfix which seems to have resolved this issue!
Unexpected_Error 500 when modifying app data via patch method