Scroll and not apple's mouse

I have a NSScroller, when I conect the external mouse, not apple's mouse, the scroll change and show always, the problem is that I can't change its background color. How could i? or at least make it clear


Accepted Reply

OK the problem was alphaValue, I don't know how Apple handles it with an external not Apple´s mouse, but override in NSScroller the mouseExited, mouseEntered and set alphaValue to 1.0 all fixed


I don't understand the relation between external mouse and scroll background color…
Try to connect the not apple's mouse (USB or bluetooth), disconnect the apple's mouse and you can see the problem, the scroll appear without the background color assigned. In all applications.
OK the problem was alphaValue, I don't know how Apple handles it with an external not Apple´s mouse, but override in NSScroller the mouseExited, mouseEntered and set alphaValue to 1.0 all fixed