Can I use an app I made instead of creating a playgrounds and upload answers to FRQ


I just found that WWDC 21 date was dropped, ive been anticipating this date because I was excited to show off an app I've been developing for the past year. My question is instead of playgrounds, can it be an IPA file?. Also, where do we upload the questions that they asked on the website?


Accepted Reply

No, it has to be a playground if I’m not wrong, unfortunately :(


No, it has to be a playground if I’m not wrong, unfortunately :(
Ahh that sucks, but I guess its all good.... time to learn SwiftPlaygrounds lol
You upload the answers to the questions they ask on your submission page ( Apply now button) btw.
Thank you!
No it has to be an playground, but if you really love your app idea I would definitely consider if parts of it would make a good playground experience. Since judges have only three minutes to experience your app, make sure you would only include the best portions. Assuming you wrote your app in Swift transferring certainly isn’t a peace of cake, but very doable.