Thanks Quinn. However, your response yields some further question and I think the best way going forward is to explain what I'm actually trying to do.
Let's say a user uses password protected SSH keys and
ssh-agent for secure connection to remote servers.
ssh-agent configuration file has a line:
Code Block UseKeychain yes |
The first time
ssh-agent establishes a connection using a certain key, it asks for a password for that key and if entered correctly, the password is saved in the keychain. Inspecting it in Keychain Access application reveals the password is saved in "
iCloud" (iOS-style) keychain with account
private_key_full_file_path and service
OpenSSH. I'm actually trying to access that password.
My application also makes secure connections, but I can't use
ssh-agent, since the application is sandboxed. I ask user to select a private key file (thus gaining access to it through
Powerbox and saving it in security scoped bookmark for further access), but then comes its password. I can ask for the password and optionally offer a possibility to save it in the (default, login) keychain and that's what I currently do. But I'd like to conveniently access the same password in the "
iCloud" keychain, already saved by
Again inspecting it in Keychain Access, the password has one access group, Hence I wanted to add that keychain entitlement to my application, like:
Code Block <key>keychain-access-groups</key> |
<array> |
<string></string> |
</array> |
I'm not even sure if that would work, but even before trying I realised adding
keychain-access-groups entitlement requires adding a provisioning profile as well. I tried two profiles; the first one is meant for development only, created with a wildcard (
*) for
App ID, my
Apple Development certificate and my registered M1 Mac as a target device. That profile (once downloaded) fails to install with error message "
Provisioning profile does not allow this device."
The other profile is for deployment, created with application bundle identifier (prefixed with my
Team ID) for
App ID, my
Developer ID: Application certificate and again my M1 Mac as a target device. This profile installs successfully, but in its summary I can see something like:
Code Block <key>keychain-access-groups</key> |
<array> |
<string>My_Team_ID.*</string> |
</array> |
This clearly indicates using that profile I won't be able to access a keychain item with access group
So my question now is whether what I'm trying to do is possible at all or not. And if so, how to do it.